Saturday, September 13, 2008

Westlaw Finding Tips

Finding securities documents can be difficult. We at West have not always been hep to this particular facet of the job. Recently however, we've cobbled together a much improved collection of finding aids for securities types. Some are obvious enough (Find a No-action Letter, for instance). I won't bother with them. I will try to point out a couple you may have missed.

* You need to go directly to the beginning of Regulation S-K:

the Tables of Contents pull-down (well pull-up, actually) on the Securities Practitioner Tab links directly to the TOC for the CFR or the USCA.

* You need to find SAB 99.
This is two tips, actually. First, if you enter "release-no" followed by a release number in the find box you can retrieve any SEC release. Second, if you append "SAB No __" after the release code you can use Find to pull a Staff Accounting Bulletin (you knew what SAB meant, right?) So, "release-no SAB No 99," retrieves SAB 99. That's almost simple, isn't it?

* You need to find SEC Rule of Practice 402. The SEC Rules of Practice are probably the most exotic thing that can be accessed through the Find a Securities Document link on the Securities Practitioner Tab. The templates on this link ask for common citations instead of the USCA and CFR citations.

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